On what dates will the Plays be performed?
This year the York Mystery Plays are being performed on two consecutive Sundays, Sunday 19th June and Sunday 26th June and there will also be an evening performances on 22nd and 23rd June in Shambles Market using a selection of the Plays chosen for the 2022 cycle.
Will all the Plays be performed at every location?
On 19th and 26th June all the wagons will perform their Play at each of the four playing stations (you can view the venues here)
On 22nd and 23rd, 5 Plays will be presented in the Shambles Market area with audiences moving between the wagons.
Where can I watch the Plays?
The Plays will be performed at four main locations throughout the day:
College Green at approximately 11am, then moving on to…
St. Sampson’s Square at roughly 11.45am, then…
St. Helen’s Square at 12.15pm and concluding at…
King’s Manor at approximately 1.00pm.
However, the way in which the production works is that you are able to watch the Plays or certain performances, and then move on. Or you can follow the Plays throughout the day to watch the whole sequence at the various locations. Or you can buy a tickets for Kings Manor and watch all 8 plays in succession from the comfort of a seat.
You can find more information on the specific Plays here, and you can find more information on the locations here.
What time do the Plays start/finish?
The Sunday performances take place throughout the day with the first performance starting at
College Green at approximately 11am and finishing at…
King’s Manor at approximately 5.00pm.
As the Plays are live performances that take place throughout the streets of York times may vary depending on the arrival time of the wagons at each venue. You can find more information on the venues and approximate start times here.
The Wednesday evening performance will take place at the Shambles Market from 7.30pm. This is a ticketed event and you can purchase your ticket here. This is a ticket only event.
Do I need a ticket to watch the Plays?
You do not need a ticket to view the Plays as they will be performed on the streets with the first three locations being free to view, however, the final location at King’s Manor does have a raked seating area. We strongly recommend buying tickets for this to avoid disappointment and to get the best experience from it. You can buy tickets here.
How can I buy tickets?
You can buy tickets for all dates here.
How much are tickets?
Kings Manor on the 19th June is £20 per seat. On this date the seating is raked but uncovered.
Kings Manor on 26th June is £25 per seat for raked, covered seating.
Booking fees apply and there are additional fees if, for example, you would like the tickets posting to you.
For any further questions on the Plays, venues, tickets or general enquiries, please email us on info@yorkmysteryplays.co.uk