
Guest Blog: The Coopers’ Play – The Fall of Man

Guest Blog: The Coopers’ Play – The Fall of Man – Guest Blog from Sajan Devshi from Learndojo


What’s this play about?


The fall of man is the fifth play by the Coopers and looks to explain why sin and misery exists in today’s world. The play tells the story of Adam and Eve, the first humans to be on this world, and our ancestors, and their fall from God’s grace and expulsion from the garden of Eden through Satan’s influence. The story also lays the foundations for man’s salvation through his son Jesus Christ.



York Mystery Plays Public Lecture Series

Our public lectures give the medieval context to the York Mystery Plays. Aimed at the general public, our academics will explore the sounds, crafts, audiences and makers of the Mysteries.     “The Soundscapes of the York Mystery Plays” Mariana Lopez (University of York) 7pm, Wednesday 18th July K/133, King’s Manor The ‘sound’ of the…


Q&A with Nina Ramirez

We have been joined by the talented British art and cultural historian and TV presenter, Nina Ramirez who is getting involved in this year’s York Mystery Plays. We decided to ask her a few questions about why she is getting involved and the connections she has with both the city of York and the Plays…here’s what we learned!



York Mystery Plays 2022 – Ticketing FAQ’s

On what dates will the Plays be performed? This year the York Mystery Plays are being performed on two consecutive Sundays, Sunday 19th June  and Sunday 26th June  and there will also be an evening performances on 22nd and 23rd June in Shambles Market using a selection of the Plays chosen for the 2022 cycle.   Will…

Auditions: The Temptation of Christ

The Temptation of Christ is being performed by The Guild of Waifs and Strays, portraying this powerful story of temptation. Auditions are being held for cast members this May!   Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days in the desert of Judaea after having been baptised by John the Baptist. During this period of meditation, Satan appeared before…


Auditions: The Crucifixion and Death of Christ

As in previous years, the Butcher’s Guild are performing ‘The Crucifixion and Death of Christ’, a powerful piece that stages the events immediately leading up to Christ’s sacrifice, on a purpose-built waggon. Presented by St Chad’s Church, on behalf of the Butcher’s Guild, this year’s interpretation of the play will be modern, vibrant, and colourful, while preserving…


Guest Blog – On the Trail of the Mysteries by Eleanor Bloomfield

‘Have you come far?’ asked the volunteer ‘Mystery Maker’ in charge of selling programmes. Yes, I had come far, twelve thousand miles: from New Zealand to England, Auckland to York, I had come to see the York Mystery Plays staged in the Minster. York Minster in the Middle Ages was one of England’s great pilgrimage cathedrals; now, half a millennium later, I had come on my own personal pilgrimage to see the plays performed live after several years of studying them from the other side of the world.